If a user is not logged in or is logged in as an administrator that lacks the permission to add new FAQs, then the FAQ module will only allow users to suggest FAQs. On the FAQ menu the menu option for 'New' will instead say 'Suggest a FAQ'. Any suggested FAQs will not be active or show when viewing the current FAQs, because they must first be approved by an administrator. Suggested FAQs may lack an answer when initially submitted, but before being allowed to be approved an answer must be provided. The form for suggesting a FAQ has two extra optional fields for the user's name and email address. This contact information is to allow administrators the ability to contact the sender if there is a question about the FAQ the user has submitted. To view and approve suggested FAQs follow these steps:
Login as an administrator of FAQ and click 'Unapproved / Hidden' from the FAQ administrative menu.
If there are no FAQs that need to be approved, then the list will of course be empty. But, we will assume there is at least one FAQ that needs to be approved. So, select the a FAQ from the list that you would like to administer.
You have several different choices from the drop down menu:
View - The 'View' option will take you to a screen showing what the FAQ will look like if it is approved. This option is important if there is any ambiguity about the question the user has submitted, since you will be able to see if the user provided their email address. If so, you can click the option to 'Send Email' to use the built in mail interface of FAQ to send the user who suggested the FAQ an email asking them to clarify their question.
Edit - This is probably the most typical option to choose, since you will probably need to redefine the question submitted and provide an acceptable answer. So, make any changes in 'Edit' and after saving the changes you will be brought back to the unapproved listing.
Approve - Choose this option to go ahead and approve the FAQ, which will make the FAQ active and viewable, providing that you have not chosen to hide the FAQ. The FAQ must have an answer before it is allowed to be approved. There is also an approve option in the 'View mode' of any FAQ.
Delete - If you do not like the question submitted, then choose this option to delete the FAQ.
Hide and Show - These options are of little significance in the unapproved list since by the FAQ being unapproved it is already not viewable by users.
If you chose a path other than to hide or delete the unapproved FAQ then the FAQ should now be approved and viewable.
When a FAQ is suggested it is also registered with the Approval module and can be approved or deleted using the Approval module's interface.