When you are viewing an album for the first time and the album has no photos associated with it, you have two links to add a new photo. The first is under the message: No photos were found for this album; and it says Add a Photo. The second is a the top of the page next to the List Albums link and it says New Photo. The New Photo link will always be present when you are viewing an album. Both of these links take you to the same form to add a new photo.
Two things are required when adding a new photo to the database. You must upload an image file and also provide a short description for that image. The short description is needed to make the html valid.
Upload your image by clicking the browse button and selecting the file you want off of your computer.
After that you can choose whether or not the photo is publicly viewable which is much like the activity for the album.
Finally you can add an extended description to the album which will be displayed when the individual photo is being viewed. A wysiwyg is provided here for your convenience.
Editing a photo allows you to update the information entered when adding that photo to the database. You can also remove the photo and add a new one if it better fits the album or description.
You can get to editing a photo by clicking on the edit link under its thumbnail in the main album view or by clicking the edit link when viewing an individual photo.
To upload a new image you must first remove the old one by checking the box Remove Image under the photo and then clicking Save Photo. Then click the browse button and select a new image off your computer. Click Save Photo and you are done.
You can also edit any of the textual data by just modifying it in the form and then clicking the Save Photo buttom. You will get a message saying the photo was successfully saved.
The are two points in the photoalbum where you can delete photos. One is in the main album view under each thumbnail is a delete link. Also when viewing a specific photo there is a delete link at the top of the page. After clicking the delete link it will take you to a Yes/No confirmation to make sure you want to delete the photo entirely from the album. The photo will also display below for confirmation. Click Yes to remove the photo and No to cancel the deletion process.