Editing an Existing Form

First, you must be aware of the state of the form you wish to edit. If the form is saved, make sure you have exported your data before you attempt to edit it (see section Reporting on Form Data). Once you start editing the elements of a saved form, the form data collected is archived and cleared. Editing an unsaved or unapproved forms have no "side-effects" as they contain no data.

If you are going to edit a saved form, make sure you have exported the form data before you continue (see section Reporting on Form Data).

Make sure you have planned out the changes you wish to make to your form. In the plan you should take into account the elements you wish to remove, elements you wish to add, and settings you wish to change. If you are adding elements to the form, make sure you have carefully planned the settings needed for the elements as well as where those elements will appear in the form. Once you have your plan, follow these steps to edit your form:

  1. Make sure you are logged into an administrative account that has permissions to use the Form Generator.

  2. From your Control Panel, select the Site Content tab.

  3. Find and select the Form Generator module.

  4. You will be shown a list of your current forms.

  5. Find the form you wish to edit and click the linked Name of the form.

  6. Select the Settings link from the Main Menu.

  7. If you are not editing the settings of the saved form, proceed to step 11, otherwise continue with step 8.

  8. Change any settings you had planned on changing and click the Save Settings button.

  9. You will be taken back to the form listing with the form's settings updated. If you still wish to edit the elements for the form, click the linked Name of the form you wish to edit.

  10. Select the Settings link from the Main Menu

  11. Click the Edit Elements button at the bottom of the settings page.

  12. At this point, Form Generator will want to archive your form and it's data. If you are sure you wish to continue to edit the form's elements, archive the form, and clear the form data, select the Confirm button. Otherwise, select Cancel and do not continue following these steps.

  13. You will now be taken into editing the elements of the form you have selected.

  14. Stick to your plan and remove or add elements in the same manner as when creating a form (see section Creating a Form).

  15. When you have finished editing the elements within the form, take a moment to look over the form for typos or errors.

  16. Select Save Form from the tool bar when you are ready to save the form.