Make sure you have planned out the format of your text field before continuing. You should have in mind the label or question for the text field and whether or not the text field is required to be filled out.
Make sure you are editing the elements of the form you wish to add the text field to. Select Textfield from the drop down list of elements on your tool bar and click Add. Follow these steps to finish adding the element:
Fill out the Name for your element. The Name is used to uniquely identify this particular element within the form. Form Generator will attempt to auto-assign a unique name to your element, but if you would like a different name you can change it. The only restrictions are, the name must contain only alpha and numeric characters, NO spaces, and be unique within the form you are editing.
Fill out the Associated Text for your element. The associated text is the text shown with your element. This text can be a simple label, question, or instruction. (e.g.: Please enter your full name:)
Optionally, you can enter a Size and a Maxsize for your element. The size will be the actual size of the text field and will affect how many characters are shown at one time in the text field. The maximum size is the maximum number of characters you are willing to accept. A user may type in more than the maximum size allows, but the Form Generator will store only the number of characters specified with maxsize. If no size or maxsize is specified, Form Generator will fill in default values for you.
If this element is required to be filled out, check the Required check box.
Double check your input and click Save Textfield when finished.
The text field will be saved and added to the end of your form.