Usually the best way to add a new user is to let them do it themselves. That way they can enter their own information. However, if you have a closed site or just prefer to do it yourself, you may enter them manually.
Under the user administration screen, click Add User. You will be taken to a form.
Administrator: This must be checked if you want the user to use the administrative functions in the system. If it is unchecked, they will not be able to use any of the administrative modules.
This will change in version 0.9.3. The check box will be replaced with a switch that will forbid users to log in
Username: The log in name for the user. It must contain letters, numbers, and/or underscores only. The username also must not already be in use.
Password: The password must be over five characters in length. You may also get a warning if the password is too easy (e.g. using "password", "passpass", etc.). Type the same password in the "match" field.
Email: The email address of the user. Not required when you create the user but it would be best to enter now or remind them to enter it later. If the system can't find a way to contact them, the user might have problems down the road.
If you entered the information correctly, clicking the Create User button will add the user to the database. (Note: If you want to learn about groups and permissions now, skip down to those sections).