Σtemplate example 3: building template from multiple files

Please note that block names should be unique within the template even if the template is built from multiple files. Therefore it is usually a bad idea to include one file in two different places, unless this file contains no blocks.

1. Using <!-- INCLUDE filename --> within template

This is the way to include a file from within a template, no additional code is required in your script. Note that this creates no blocks except ones already present in main and included files.

2. Using addBlockfile()

addBlockfile() creates a new block in place of a variable placeholder.


3. Using replaceBlockfile()

replaceBlockfile() replaces the existing block with a new content.

3.1 Keeping the previously parsed contents

You can keep the parsed contents of the original block and continue iteration over the new one.

3.2 Discarding the previously parsed contents

Or you can discard the parsed contents and start from scratch (this is the default behaviour).