Module Uninstallation Script
- A file called uninstall.php should be created and put in the module's
boost directory.
- If the module has any database tables then an "uninstall.sql" file needs be
created that contains only sql statements. This file should also go in
the module's boost directory.
Special Notes and Cases:
- The $status variable should be set to a 1 if the uninstallation is successful
and a 0 if it is not. You can also not set the status variable and boost
will assume a status of 0.
$status = 1; // success
$status = 0; // failure - show error message
- Contacate all output that you would like for the user to see to the $content
$content .= "Completed Installation";
- If your module uses the images directory then remove the module's directory
from your root installation images directory.
For versions of phpwebsite less than 0.9.3-R3, you will need to do the following. Beginning
in 0.9.3-R3 boost will handle the following on both installs and uninstalls
- If you register your module with the search module then unregister it in the
uninstallation file.
- If your module uses the help module then you will need to unregister
your module from help.
The contents of an uninstall file should contain the following general format:
isDeity()) {
// import the SQL file if you need to drop tables or modify the database
if($GLOBALS['core']->sqlImport(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR."mod/[YOURMODULETITLE]/boost/uninstall.sql", 1, 1)) {
$content .= "All tables successfully removed.
// if your module puts images in the images directory of your root
// phpWebSite installation then uncomment and modify the lines below
$ok = PHPWS_File::rmdir(PHPWS_HOME_DIR . "images/[YOURMODULETITLE]/");
if($ok) {
$content .= "The images directory was fully removed.
} else {
$content .= "The images directory could not be removed.
// *** only for 0.9.3-R2 or lower
// if your module registers itself with the help module, uncomment
// and modify the code below
$status = 1;
} else {
$content .= "There was a problem accessing the database.
The contents of the uninstall.sql file will typically only contain one line
for each of the database tables that your module uses.