Requirements for running phpWebSite ----------------------------------- This is a list of the system requirements to run phpWebSite. FILE REQUIREMENTS ------------ We in no way endorse or support these packages, and we assume the packages are already installed correctly and running on your system. PHP v4.2.2 or greater The PEAR base package must be installed with the following additional packages (phpWebSite ships with these packages included. See: ./lib/pear/): Go here for a listing and package of all required pear classes DATABASE ------------ A database connection is needed for phpWebSite to function correctly since all of its data is stored there. This database must be created before you begin the install process. Currently phpWebSite only works with a MySql database, but we hope to increase the number of supported databases by version 1.0.0 PERMISSIONS ------------ It is assumed that you have the ability to alter your directory permissions. Please read the INSTALL.txt file for more information. If you do not have the ability to CHOWN directories, contact your systems administrator. To setup phpWebSite you will need the following directories to be writable: conf/ images/ files/ After installation, the conf directory should be readable ONLY. images/ and files/ should remain writable by the web server. Note that you are taking a risk by keeping your images and docs directories world writable (chmod 777). Get your site administrator to chown them to apache.apache instead. MEMORY ------------ We strongly recommend increasing your memory_limit variable in your php.ini file to 10 - 12M (php.ini uses 'M' not 'MB' as an abbreviation). By default, PHP runs at 8M. Here are the minimum memory requirements: 5M Core ONLY 8M Most modules. May have problems if all modules are installed. 9M Minimum requirement for all modules installed. If you are unable to change the php.ini file, you can attempt to allocate memory at runtime by uncommenting this line in your core/Core.php file: ini_set("memory_limit", "12M"); Note that this setting may not be supported on your web server. Special Notice: If you are converting data from phpWebSite 0.8.3, it is recommended that you temporarily increase your memory limit to 16MB. If you are unable to change this limit, do not convert all modules at once. See the CONVERSION.txt document for more information.