Lets start off by defining the pear libs. Pear is a set of libraries written by http://pear.php.net NOT phpWebSite. These libs ship with php and can be added in or updated at any time. These libs are linked into php in the php.ini under the include_path value. PhpWebSite uses libs that are in the stable category but may not have been shipped with your php version. What does the pear error mean? The one main problem people have is when the libs are not up-to-date. Located in the phpwebsite-0.9.x/libs/pear dir is the updated libs used with phpWebSite. We also provide the pear package requirements in the phpwebsite-0.9.x/docs directory for manual updating. Now there are two ways to fix the up-to-date issue. The first fix is in the Core.php file. At the top of this file shipped with phpWebsite is an ini_set that sets your include_path for the phpWebSite package. This removes the include_path set by the server and sets it to your phpwebsite-0.9.x/libs/pear directory. This is only needed if your system PEAR libs are not up-to-date. The reason Core.php is shipped this way is most people do not have there server's libs up-to-date or are in a hosted environment where the libs are not up-to-date and it causes many problems!! The phpWebSite team NEVER uses this ini_set when developing. This ini_set has been known to cause problems in some environments, but fixes a majority of pear issues. The second, which is the best and the way we implement it, is to update your system libs. This is how the problem is properly handled. Remember, this method requires root access to the server. Simply replace your old libs with the ones shipped with phpWebSite or the ones from http://pear.php.net. Example: mv /usr/local/lib/php /usr/local/lib/php.old (backs up old libs) then cp -r /path/to/phpwebsite-0.9.x/libs/pear /usr/local/lib/php Your system's pear path may vary and is set in your system's php.ini. This is all that is needed, no recompiling or anything complex. Now that you have the libs installed in the system you do not need an ini_set in the Core.php, so comment it out. The phpWebSite cvs version assumes your pear is up-to-date and always has the ini_set commented out. The second way requires root or administrative access to the server so sorry to all the people in a hosted environment. You will need to use the first way if your isp refuses to update their pear libs. Keep in mind the ini_set has been known to cause problems in certain environments and is sometimes disabled by an isp. REMEMBER if your isp will not help you, don't bother the phpWebSite development team with your ISP problems, switch IPSs as you are paying them to keep you happy!! You are NOT paying the phpWebSite dev team!! Now all of that aside if you are not one of the 99.999% of people out there that it works for because of some odd bug/issue that was not addressed here, we would like to here about it. This does come with one stipulation. You must track the problem down YOURSELF. We cannot identify, analyze, and fix your problems for you. Please submit any issues to the sourceforge.net support request tracker for phpWebsite. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=15539&atid=215539