* phpWebSite-0.10.0 (24 Nov 2004) 16 Nov 2004; Matt McNaney : Fixed bug with recursiveFileCopy. Was not returning to original directory after copying. (core) 16 Nov 2004; Don Seiler : Added JustBlogIt support for announcements. (announce) 16 Nov 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed notices (stats) Removed language phrases from templates (branch) 16 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1060376 Template files containing language phrases Also fixed a problem with links being converted to hyperlink when trying to use a page insert template (pagemaster) Added a missing table prefix from duplcate box feature (layout) BUG #1065769 Security patch causes problems (core, users) 12 Nov 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed problem of stats showing hidden and unapproved items (stats) Removed english phrases in tpl files (approval) 11 Nov 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed xhtml problem (phatform) Removed english phrases in template files (announce) 11 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : Fixed bug which caused databases on a remote host to not be archived properly (phatform) 10 Nov 2004; Darren Greene : Added new icon, language file (stats) Fixed javascript problem with add/edit counter form (stats) 09 Nov 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed php5 bug (stats) Added relative links, ability to preset calendar (js/mini_cal) Option to turn off mouseovers (core/Calendar) 09 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : Cleaned up index file and added check for newlines (core) Set core version number and prepared update.php RFE #1061893 REQUIREMENTS.txt needs info on required database (docs) 05 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : Revised module to bring it more up-to-date (skeleton) 04 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : Put fix in place for old module version numbers to upgrade to new scheme (all) 01 Nov 2004; Steven Levin : Added some more information about branches is UPGRADE.txt (docs) 29 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : Changed over mini_cal to popcalendar (announce, calendar) Fixed problem with accessing calendar with window open (js/popcalendar) 28 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Added copying of js directory out to branch site for relative access (branch) Added to update a recopy of all files needed for each branch in case of an update of any file including new js directory (core) Now distinguishing between directory and file permissions (core) - Define at top of core/File.php for those in hosted environment PHPWS_File::makeDir() now returns true if the dir exists (core) Modified some javascripts to work from a relative location for branches 27 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1038599 Error with session.auto_start = 1 (core) PATCH #1038497 Layout: Fix duplicate boxes (layout) 26 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed Bug #1054354 - missing table prefix (notes) 25 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : + Improved layout, web visit tracking (stats) + Added conf option for advanced add counter (stats) 25 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Squashed the long standing duplication of boxes bug (layout) Added a developer function to add javascript src includes to the head of the current document (layout) 22 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : Counter for this months visits includes todays visits (stats) Fixed html entity problem with counter links (stats) Removed several warning messages (stats) Fixed table prefix problem (stats) 22 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Modified mini cal so its source only gets inserted once (core) + Updated language German (de) and added language Danish (da) + Updated Mike Noyes' debug theme 21 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Imported Darrens new stats module and added it to phpwebsite-full 18 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1043443 Malformed Pagemaster list links (pagemaster) Fixed bug, unfinished pages are not listed after saving a page (pagemaster) BUG #1043834 Bug in Array.php (core) Modified Form.php to use PEAR coding standards for others to follow (core) Fixed notice in ImgLibrary (core) 15 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : BUG #1045811 fixed view/delete problem with case-sensitive usernames(notes) Fixed bug of not checking if a username exists when editing (users) 14 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : BUG #1046436 Calendar showed empty block with mini cal disabled and no upcoming events Added calendar popups for date fields (calendar, announce) Fixed slideshow problem with no photos in an album (photoalbum) Xhtml issues in calendar class (core) 14 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Added method for adding css import statements to the document (layout) Fixed bug where template not being selected under page settings (pagemaster) Added permissions define in mkdir() for easier config (core) - Hosted evironment users might what to set this value to 0757 06 Oct 2004; Darren Greene : Photoalbum changes: BUG #1038863 Slideshow fixed to accept quotes in short or extended entry Fixed several xhtml compliant problems with slideshow Fixed sql error when removing an image with an empty description Extracted out slideshow javascript for easy maintenance Fixed slideshow to work with photos with no images Fixed xhtml issues (core, boost) 06 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Added text month and text day options to dateForm() and set maxlength attributes for all text options. (core) 05 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : Removed a str_replace() from parseInput that would cause htmlentities to be saved to the database and then displayed in input fields (core) 04 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1010979 "Post On" date in Announcements (announce) - Removed some old templates from the Cool theme. If you are using clean or Cool theme and have updated phpwebsite these need to be removed by hand from the themes. rm -rf clean/temlates/announce/ rm -rf Cool/temlates/announce/ BUG #1039252 EZElement.php not inserting id attribute (core) - Fixed comments to reflect how code actually works now Added link to changelog from the update completion page (setup) Fixed boost to show the core version from the DB (boost) 01 Oct 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1038417 ANCHOR tag in List/Manager.php and Safari (core) BUG #1038583 Error UNINSTALLING Forms Generator Module (phatform) 30 Sep 2004; Steven Levin : Fixed XHTML compliance issue with add_module_item() (menuman) 30 Sep 2004; Darren Greene : Fixed scaling problem with calendar popup image (core) Added popup calendar to poston and expiration dates (announce) 29 Sep 2004; Darren Greene : Added a core calendar class for module developers Added new js_insert function called mini-cal Added id attribute for select fields in Form.php - used for javascript 29 Sep 2004; Steven Levin : PATCH #1002876 Immediate Login Hack submitted by Eloi George (users) Fixed syntax error in call to version_compare() (fatcat) Fixed warning caused by function called without an array (controlpanel) PATCH #1030609 Document class hack to allow external link to file download - submitted by oishii (documents) Fixed bug where image url could not be removed (pagemaster) 28 Sep 2004; Darren Greene : Changed a couple english phrases to be more clear (pagemaster) Fixed bug where lists for unsaved pages would appear when adding a page Fixed problem with showing only a 'go' button when items need approval and the user doesn't have permission to approve the items(approval) 28 Sep 2004; Steven Levin : Fixed Item issue when variable is null and magic quotes is on (core) 24 Sep 2004; Steven Levin : BUG #1034046 Remember Me was broken recently (users) BUG #1030921 Warning generated in EZForm.php v1.70 (core) BUG #1027845 Form Builder error in 0.9.3-4 (phatform) Changed order of